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For every 3,500 calories burned, you will lose about 0.5 kg of weight. You can lose weight by cutting calories in your diet and increasing your overall activity level. This article will tell you how to lose 1.5 kg a week by making some lifestyle changes to burn or cut 10,500 calories a week.
Calculating calorie balance

- Visit for a chart of allowed calories.
- For example, a 30-year-old male who is sedentary should eat 2,400 calories per day, while a moderately active person will eat 2,800 calories, and a highly active person will eat 3,000 calories.
- For a 30-year-old female, the recommended calorie intake would be 1,800 (sedentary), 2,000 (with moderate activity) and 2,200 (high activity).

- Keep a food diary for a few days. At the end of the day, write down everything you eat throughout the day instead of just relying on memory.
- Use the calorie counter app to calculate your usual calorie intake.

- If your calorie intake is already close to the number on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) chart, you can cut your calorie intake by up to 25% for healthy weight loss.
- If you’re exceeding the number on the USDA chart, you’ll need to gradually reduce until you reach the recommended number, and reduce your recommended calorie intake by 25% each day over the following weeks.
- People who cut their food intake suddenly may feel dizzy, nauseous and lead to health problems. [2] X Research Source You can lose 1.5 kg a week just by reducing food intake and increasing activity levels.
Cut calories

- This means that a 30-year-old man with moderate activity will need to reduce his calorie intake from 2,400 calories to 1,800 calories per day throughout the week.
- For women in their 30s who are moderately active, you’ll need to reduce from 2,000 calories to 1,500 calories per day.
- Subtract 2 numbers to calculate the number of calories you need to reduce. For example, 600 for a 30-year-old male and 500 for a 30-year-old female.
- Multiply that number by 7 to find out how many total calories to lose in a week. For example, 4,200 for men and 3,500 for women.

- Replace meat with mushrooms. This way, you can cut 200-300 calories per serving of pasta cooked with meat. [3] X Research Sources
- Replace whole milk with low fat milk. This alternative typically cuts 100 calories per serving. Replace cooking oil with unsweetened apple sauce in cake recipes. You’ll lose approximately 900 calories over the entire recipe, averaging around 75-120 calories per serving.
- Replace sour cream with yogurt for 330 calories per recipe.
- Make a sandwich consisting of just one slice of bread to cut down on 80-100 calories for lunch. Eat more vegetables to be full.
- Replace spaghetti with pumpkin noodles or Shirataki noodles. You will lose 75-200 calories per serving.
- Drink water or tea instead of alcoholic beverages, coffee milk or soda. You will lose 150-300 calories.
- Replace processed foods with fruits and vegetables. You should get fiber from natural sources. If you eat bread or pasta, choose whole grain products.

- Cut 100-200 calories in your meals so you can snack once in the afternoon and once in the afternoon.
- These snacks will help you avoid feeling empty stomach and lead to cravings.
- Nuts, Greek yogurt, smoothies, applesauce, and peanut butter are great snacks. You should focus on snacks that provide both fiber and protein.
Increase activity level

- Choose high-intensity interval training classes, which means you’ll do one session of moderate intensity, followed by one burst of high intensity. Exercises like bootcamp, barre method, core burn, zumba, oula and aerobic are good options.
- Running or cycling includes running, jumping rope, lifting weights, and bodyweight exercises.
- Burning an extra 600 calories a day will help you lose an extra 4,200 calories a week.

- A brisk walk can burn 150 calories or more.
- Include this activity in your daily routine, and you can burn an extra 1,050 calories per week.

- Garden for 20 minutes to burn 135-200 calories. This activity includes mowing the lawn.
- Shoveling snow to burn 180-250 calories every half hour.
- Scrubbing for 30 minutes will burn 135-200 calories.
- Choose one activity per day to burn about 1,050 extra calories per week.
Totals, tips and advice

- A 30-year-old man who cut his calorie intake by 25%, did an hour of intense cardio, a 30-minute walk, and 30-minute housework each day for a total of 10,500 or 1.5 reductions. kg.
- A 30-year-old woman cut her calorie intake by 25%, doing 1 hour of high-intensity cardio, a 30-minute walk and 30-minute housework each day will reduce a total of 9,800 calories. An extra 30-minute walk or housework brings the total calorie burn to 10,850 or more than 1.5 kg.

- Drink 2 liters of water a day or more to get rid of excess water.
- Reduce sodium intake. Salt causes the body to retain water.
- Increase the amount of fiber in your diet if you are constipated.
- Take a multivitamin in case the water retention in the body is due to a vitamin deficiency. See your doctor if you suspect this is the cause.
Things you need
- Food diary
- Snacks are high in protein and fiber.
- Water
- Multivitamins
wikiHow is a “wiki” site, which means that many of the articles here are written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors have edited and improved the article over time.
There are 7 references cited in this article that you can view at the bottom of the page.
This article has been viewed 3,341 times.
For every 3,500 calories burned, you will lose about 0.5 kg of weight. You can lose weight by cutting calories in your diet and increasing your overall activity level. This article will tell you how to lose 1.5 kg a week by making some lifestyle changes to burn or cut 10,500 calories a week.
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