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Black Ops 3 zombies Revelations Apothicon Servant Upgrade Guide – How to [1]
Black Ops 3 zombies Revelations Apothicon Servant Upgrade Guide to help you Pack-a-Punch this powerful weapon and make it even more potent.. Originally introduced in Shadows of Evil, Apothicon Servant essentially create a portal that sucks in and destroys all nearby zombies – kind of like the Gersch Device
For more help on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 zombies Revelations, read out our Main Easter Egg Completion Guide, Secret Melee Weapons Locations Guide, and Optional Easter Eggs Locations Guide.. Black Ops 3 zombies Revelations Apothicon Servant Upgrade Guide
In order to begin, you must activate all x4 Corruption Engines and unlock the Pack-a-Punch. You can check out Pack-a-Punch Location Guide to know how to do it.
Original Apothicon Servant Upgrade Quest Discovered in Pre-Release Build of Black Ops 3 Zombies [2]
On Friday, November 6th, 2015, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 released worldwide across all major platforms. In this release, Zombies fans took to the streets of Morg City to combat the undead and embrace the curse to uncover its mysteries
The Apothicon Servant can be upgraded by utilizing the Pack-a-Punch mechanic which is obtained at the end of the Apocalypse Ascendent quest. However, avid fans of the series should be well-aware of the rumored upgrade quest for the tentacle-ridden weapon..
Thanks to these efforts, we’re able to provide an exclusive first-look at the original Apothicon Servant upgrade quest!. It should be noted that this upgrade quest differs considerably from the one previously revealed by JariK.
Apothicon Servant [3]
The Apothicon Servant (also known as the Interdimensional Gun – in short ID Gun) is a Wonder Weapon in the Zombies maps Shadows of Evil and Revelations. When shot, it produces a purple-coloured black-hole that sucks in zombies that get too close, killing them instantly regardless of what round the player is on, similar to the Gersh Device
When reloading, the player feeds the Servant with a glowy food.. Within Shadows of Evil, the Apothicon Servant can be built utilising parts obtained from the Apothicon forces and assembled at a standard buildable table
Uniquely to the map, the Apothicon Servant also has a total of four different names associated with it based on the character holding it., being Mar-Astagua (Shadow-Servant) for Jack Vincent, Nar-Ullaqua (Teeth-Consume) for Nero Blackstone, Kor-Maroth (Eclipse-Shadow) for Jessica Rose, and Lor-Zarozzor (Flow/Radiate-Decay) for Floyd Campbell.. |Dropped from Margwas, If ignored, it will disappear and the next Margwa killed will award a new one upon death.|
Apothicon Servant [4]
The Apothicon Servant (also taking the name of Mar-Astagua, Nar-Ullagua, Kor-Moroth, Lor-Zarozzor, and Estulla Astoth) is a Wonder Weapon featured in Shadows of Evil and Revelations.. This is a weapon that shoots black holes that suck zombies in and kills them, like the Gersh Device, except that it doesn’t teleport players to a different part of the map when stepped into
– Margwa Tentacle: Found randomly by harvesting grown, purple pods.. – Margwa Heart: Found by killing the first Margwa that appears.
There are multiple places to build this weapon, sharing spots with the Zombie Shield.. The Arbgwaoth is the first Pack-a-Punched version of the weapon found on Shadows of Evil, shooting longer-lasting black holes that have a red effect instead of purple and has more ammo
Apothicon Servant [5]
The Apothicon Servant (also known as the Interdimensional Gun – in short ID Gun) is a Wonder Weapon in the Zombies maps Shadows of Evil and Revelations. When shot, it produces a purple-coloured black-hole that sucks in zombies that get too close, killing them instantly regardless of what round the player is on, similar to the Gersh Device
When reloading, the player feeds the Servant with a glowy food.. Within Shadows of Evil, the Apothicon Servant can be built utilising parts obtained from the Apothicon forces and assembled at a standard buildable table
Uniquely to the map, the Apothicon Servant also has a total of four different names associated with it based on the character holding it., being Mar-Astagua (Shadow-Servant) for Jack Vincent, Nar-Ullaqua (Teeth-Consume) for Nero Blackstone, Kor-Maroth (Eclipse-Shadow) for Jessica Rose, and Lor-Zarozzor (Flow/Radiate-Decay) for Floyd Campbell.. |Dropped from Margwas, If ignored, it will disappear and the next Margwa killed will award a new one upon death.|
Game Genius – Estulla Astoth (Apothicon Servant) Upgrade Guide [6]
Estulla Astoth (Apothicon Servant) Upgrade GuideGame Genius. Estulla Astoth (Apothicon Servant) Upgrade Guide Lyrics
They are light blue in color and can blend in extremely well. Shoot them with the weapon to suck them into the portal.
– Spawn – Facing away from the portal, go to the left of the Corruption Engine area and look straight up. – Mob of the Dead / Origins – At the Corruption Engine, look up and it will be in front of the sun
Discussion – Revelations Apothicon Servant Upgrade Blue Crystals in Different Spots? [7]
First and foremost, I might just be a noob and these locations could be old news.. All of the times I’ve upgraded the Apothicon Servant on Revelations, the 5 Blue Crystal Rocks have always appeared in the same spots on the map
The Crystals for botch Nacht and Mob of the Dead were in different spots than what I have ever seen before. Normally, the Nacht one is located (from the upper floor), outside to the left of the wall weapon and the Mob of the Dead one is right above the Corruption Engine sort of blending in with the huge blue orb in the sky above and to the left of the Engine.
Additionally, these two crystals were not only in different spots than what I had seen or heard before, but they lacked the ability to produce the confirmation noise that occurs when otherwise uses the Apothicon Servant on the regularly-located blue crystals.. For a bit more detail and to listen to me feel confused by BO3, watch the video below
Original Apothicon Servant Upgrade Quest Discovered in Pre-Release Build of Black Ops 3 Zombies [8]
On Friday, November 6th, 2015, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 released worldwide across all major platforms. In this release, Zombies fans took to the streets of Morg City to combat the undead and embrace the curse to uncover its mysteries
The Apothicon Servant can be upgraded by utilizing the Pack-a-Punch mechanic which is obtained at the end of the Apocalypse Ascendent quest. However, avid fans of the series should be well-aware of the rumored upgrade quest for the tentacle-ridden weapon..
Thanks to these efforts, we’re able to provide an exclusive first-look at the original Apothicon Servant upgrade quest!. It should be noted that this upgrade quest differs considerably from the one previously revealed by JariK.
Shadows of Evil Upgraded Apothicon Servant Steps Discovered 5 Years Later… (Black Ops 3 Zombies) [9]
Shadows of Evil Upgraded Apothicon Servant Easter Egg Steps Discovered 5 Years Later… Today, surprisingly we have a Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies video going over the infamous shadows of evil apothicon servant upgrade easter egg steps 5 years later regarding the cocoons.
Jari K’s video on the second Apothicon Servant Easter egg – (I guess the Apothicon Servant upgrade was cut at some point and turned into this, then this Easter egg was also cut later on). Footage of the Apothicon Servant Upgrade glitch from launch –
►Everything we know about the Vietnam Zombies DLC Map – ►Black Ops Cold War Zombies ALL 4 DLC Maps + Kino Der Toten Evidence –
Zombies Revelations – All Easter Egg Steps [10]
A complete walkthrough for the Revelations Easter Egg in Black Ops 3, the final zombies map from Treyarch. This guide lists all of the necessary steps to complete the EE, together with tips, screenshots and useful tools to help you along the way.
However, the cutscene clearly shows that Maxis has made a big mistake in releasing the Shadow Man, causing the Apothicon invasion to commence. The result is a partially destroyed world with pieces of the best maps from the past 8 years returning for one final (and emotional) farewell.
– A Better Tomorrow – In Revelations, complete the cycle. Up until now, all of the DLC zombie maps in Black Ops 3 have had soloable Easter Egg’s
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Wiki Guide [11]
The Apothicon Servant is a special weapon in the Shadows of Evil Zombies map. It creates a black hole that sucks in all nearby zombies, killing them instantly
There’s a workbench at each of the three districts in this map.. This can be obtained after killing a Margwa, which appears after completing a ritual or finding a ritual item
This can be obtained from purple pods around the map. Pods start out green, then turn red, then turn purple as long as you don’t harvest them
Black Ops 3: Revelations – Easter Egg Guide [12]
Revelations features the toughest Call of Duty: Zombies easter egg yet. Taking down the Apothicons requires plenty of patience, a couple of Wonder Weapons, and exacting knowledge of the map and it’s features
Solving the puzzle isn’t even, and it wouldn’t even be possible without the fan community.. No other Easter egg in the series has caused so much hair-pulling, or forced quite so much data-mining, just to figure out each and every step
Now, without further ado — keep scrolling to get started on the big finale to the Zombies storyline.. For even more secret zombies stuff, check out the complete Gorod Krovi survival guide to see how to complete the sprawling, dragon-infested Easter egg and do battle with a mechanized Boris.

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