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Whether you’re about to become a celebrity or just want to pass the time, signing your autograph is fun no matter what. Check out the tips and techniques below to create an impressive signature for yourself.
Signature Analysis
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 1](
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 2](
- Signatures usually include the initials of their names (maybe no middle names), which most people do because it looks more professional than just writing their full name on paper.
- If you’re worried about signature forgery, create a long, clear signature that includes the first and last names side by side. Make sure it’s clear. Forging a scribbled signature is easier than copying the nuances of a well-rehearsed signature.
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 3](
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 4](
Signature Practice
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 5](
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 6](
- If your signature is curvy and messy, emphasize a letter by making it sharp. Similarly, with a simple and clear signature, you should create a different, more flying and subtle letter.
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 7](
- Add an underline by stretching one of the letters. Most often use the last letter, but feel free to twist any letter you want to create your own style. Letters with long crochet strokes (y, g, j) are good suggestions. Extend that crochet line below the signature to form an underline.
- Underline your signature with a wavy line. This is a butterfly and flowery way to spice up the signature. [4] X Research Sources
- Underline your signature with zigzag lines (the letter Z). This is the same as using wavy lines but your signature will look much more gritty.
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 8](
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 9](
- Use repeating elements. A signature with three large ovals will create an “echo” effect and help its texture add a bit of tightness.
- Make the uppercase letter “hug” to the rest of the letters. This is a great way to create emphasis if your name doesn’t contain a lower crochet letter (g, j, etc.).
- Surround the signature with curves. This helps your signature look more formal.
- Enlarge the belly of the letters. This is the most common and simple way you can use to highlight your signature.
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 10](
Select Signature
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 11](
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 12](
- Your signature should be easy to write and re-sign. Choose a signature that’s simple enough for you so you can re-sign it yourself quickly.
- Your signature will speak to your personal opinion and style. If you want to show your romantic side, sign your name with a big bang. If you want people to know you’re neat and tidy, your signature should reflect that.
- The signature is considered as an identification mark. You shouldn’t skimp on a few lines on a piece of paper – unless the scribbles are organized and look the same every time. Remember that the signature must be exclusive and be recognizable to others as yours.
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 13](
![Image titled Sign a Cop Signature Step 14](
- Remember that these do not apply to digital signatures. Most e-documents-online resumes will automatically save your personal signature for future use. Just sign it once and you can copy it into any future document. However, it would be wise to keep the digital signature similar to your handwritten signature. [5] X Research Sources
- Be careful each time you change the signature. You’ll have a hard time proving yourself when your new signature doesn’t match your ID, your driver’s license, your bank records, or even your library card.
- Your official signature shouldn’t be too fancy. Having to write a complex signature takes an awful lot of time every time you need to sign a credit card for a purchase.
- Think twice before you start doodling. While it’s fun to get a little out of the way from time to time, consider carefully whether the situation is appropriate for creating a signature that’s hard to read.
wikiHow is a “wiki” site, which means that many of the articles here are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 267 people, some of whom are anonymous, have edited and improved the article over time.
This article has been viewed 297,306 times.
Whether you’re about to become a celebrity or just want to pass the time, signing your autograph is fun no matter what. Check out the tips and techniques below to create an impressive signature for yourself.
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