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White people [1]
White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry, although the definition can vary depending on context, nationality, and point of view.. Description of populations as “White” in reference to their skin color predates this notion and is occasionally found in Greco-Roman ethnography and other ancient or medieval sources, but these societies did not have any notion of a White or pan-European race
Scholarship on race distinguishes the modern concept from pre-modern descriptions, which focused on physical complexion rather than race. Prior to the modern era, no European peoples regarded themselves as “White”, but rather defined their race, ancestry, or ethnicity in terms of their nationality.[1]
In ancient Egypt as a whole, people were not designated by color terms … Egyptian inscriptions and literature only rarely, for instance, mention the dark skin color of the Kushites of Upper Nubia
On Views of Race and Inequality, Blacks and Whites Are Worlds Apart [2]
Almost eight years after Barack Obama’s election as the nation’s first black president –an event that engendered a sense of optimism among many Americans about the future of race relations1 – a series of flashpoints around the U.S. has exposed deep racial divides and reignited a national conversation about race
Blacks, far more than whites, say black people are treated unfairly across different realms of life, from dealing with the police to applying for a loan or mortgage. And, for many blacks, racial equality remains an elusive goal.
An additional 42% of blacks believe that the country will eventually make the changes needed for blacks to have equal rights with whites, and just 8% say the country has already made the necessary changes.. A much lower share of whites (53%) say the country still has work to do for blacks to achieve equal rights with whites, and only 11% express doubt that these changes will come
The last days of a white world [3]
It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Now they are an ethnic minority in the country’s most populous state, the one most usually identified with the American dream.. ‘It’s my hope we can all see our state’s diversity as a cause for celebration and not consternation,’ said California’s lieutenant governor, Cruz Bustamente, a Latino
I am happy for there to be more immigrants – by and large they work harder and have more money to spend.’. As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white
Population by race in the U.S. 2021 [4]
A ranking of the most spoken languages across the world can be accessed here.. Currently, the white population makes up the vast majority of the United States’ population, accounting for some 251.82 million people in 2021
The Black or African American resident population totaled 44.83 million people in the same year.. The overall population in the United States is expected to increase annually from 2021, with the 320.92 million people in 2015 expected to rise to 341.69 million people by 2027
Despite being one of the most populous countries in the world, following China and India, the United States is not even among the top 150 most densely populated countries due to its large land mass. Monaco is the most densely populated country in the world and has a population density of 26,150.3 inhabitants per square kilometer as of 2019.
How many white people live in the world? [5]
There are roughly 850,000,000 people of Caucasian descent in the world, or 11.5% of the world’s total population.. Help make Alexa smarter and share your knowledge with the worldLEARN MORE
The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the US Population: Emerging American Identities [6]
The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the US Population: Emerging American Identities. The racial and ethnic makeup of the American people is in flux
Moreover, the boundaries between racial and ethnic groups are becoming blurred by high rates of intermarriage and the growing number of persons with mixed ancestry (Lee and Bean 2004).. Descriptions and projections of the racial and ethnic composition of the American people appear kaleidoscopic, with varied accounts and interpretations
This interpretation is consistent with the thesis of the declining significance of race and ethnicity in American society. Others see new racial divisions arising as some immigrant groups are allowed to integrate with an expanded and privileged white population, while other groups are “racialized” as disadvantaged brown and black minorities (Bonilla-Silva and Glover 2004; Golash-Boza 2006)
Visualizing the U.S. Population by Race [7]
How to Use: The below maps will animate automatically. The American population is a unique mosaic of cultures—and almost 40% of people identify as racial or ethnic minorities today.
Then we break down the same data on a state-by-state basis.. As of 2019, here is the current distribution of the U.S
By the year 2060, it’s expected that the distribution of Non-Hispanic Whites as a percentage of total population will fall from 60.1% to 44.3% of Americans.. |Year||White*||Black||Hispanic||Asian||Multiple Races||Other**|
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects [8]
Frey’s latest book, “Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America,” was released earlier this year.. This post was updated on September 10, 2018 with Census Bureau revisions as of September 6, 2018.
The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations (see Figure 1).
Second, during this time frame, the aging white population will see a modest immediate gain through 2024, and then experience a long-term decline through 2060, a consequence of more deaths than births (see Figure 2).. Among the minority populations, the greatest growth is projected for multiracial populations, Asians and Hispanics with 2018–2060 growth rates of 176, 93, and 86 percent, respectively
The World Factbook [9]
This entry provides an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the largest and normally includes the percent of total population.. Current, reliable statistical data on ethnicity in Afghanistan are not available; Afghanistan’s 2004 Constitution cited Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Turkman, Baluch, Pachaie, Nuristani, Aymaq, Arab, Qirghiz, Qizilbash, Gujur, and Brahwui ethnicities; Afghanistan has dozens of other small ethnic groups
note: data represent population by ethnic and cultural affiliation. note: although almost all Algerians are Berber in origin (not Arab), only a minority identify themselves as primarily Berber, about 15% of the total population; these people live mostly in the mountainous region of Kabylie east of Algiers and several other communities; the Berbers are also Muslim but identify with their Berber rather than Arab cultural heritage; Berbers have long agitated, sometimes violently, for autonomy; the government is unlikely to grant autonomy but has officially recognized Berber languages and introduced them into public schools
note: data represent population by ethnic origin or race. Andorran 48.3%, Spanish 24.8%, Portuguese 11.2%, French 4.5%, Argentine 1.4%, other 9.8% (2021 est.)
Population of England and Wales [10]
– according to the 2021 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 59.6 million, and 81.7% of the population was white. – people from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (9.3%), followed by black (4.0%), mixed (2.9%) and other (2.1%) ethnic groups
– from 2011 to 2021, the percentage of people in the white British ethnic group went down from 80.5% to 74.4%. – the percentage of people in the white ‘other’ ethnic group went up from 4.4% to 6.2% – the largest percentage point increase out of all ethnic groups
This data measures the size of the population of England and Wales, and the number and percentage of people from each ethnic group.. Census data includes people in around 25 million private households
World population: Quarter of Earth will be African in 2050 [11]
The Earth will be quite a bit more crowded in 2050—with nearly 2.5 billion more people than now.. A report released Wednesday by the United Nations projects the global population rising to more than 9.7 billion by 2050, up from just over 7.3 billion today.
In almost every part of the world—even in the fastest-growing regions—fertility is on the decline. That trend is mostly expected to continue—families are expected to have fewer and fewer babies per household.
More than half of the gains by 2050 will come from Africa, according to the report. The continent will add 1.3 billion people over the next few decades—roughly equivalent to the current population of China.
What Happens When White People Become a Minority in America? [12]
What Happens When White People Become a Minority in America?. Other majority-minority societies offer positive examples—and cautionary tales.
So, despite four years of former President Donald Trump’s policies limiting the admission of foreigners, the United States is on track to reach its anticipated 2044 “majority minority” milestone: the moment when the majority ethnic group, non-Hispanic white people, becomes one of multiple minorities.. For centuries, countries like the United States have been built on the idea of an inviolable nation, implicitly or explicitly united by a common ethnicity, race, or religion
Yet currently, we know little about how societies respond when the majority status of a native group feels threatened. To anticipate future responses to transformational demographic change in the United States, I’ve spent the last five years studying other sovereign societies—first historically and then with contemporary fieldwork—that reached earlier majority-minority milestones similarly driven by immigration.
White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force [13]
In August 2008, the Census Bureau released a report that predicted a seismic shift in American demographics: By 2050, minorities would make up more than 50 percent of the population and become the majority.. When Yale psychologist Jennifer Richeson heard about the report on NPR, she remembers thinking, “This is probably freaking somebody out.”
But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.
In the years since, Richeson has tried to answer this question with a trove of experimental research. What she’s found is both unsettling and crucial to understanding politics in the era of President Donald Trump.
How Many White Races Are There? [14]
This chapter looks at how America continually readjusted its color line when the economy’s need for workers resulted in immigration-driven population growth but the polity required a monopoly of power in the hands of the “right” whites—that is, European Protestants. In the half century starting with the Civil War, the social sciences entered the scene, which gradually displaced the biologically based race science popular earlier in the nineteenth century
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What Is White Privilege, Really? [15]
Today, white privilege is often described through the lens of Peggy McIntosh’s groundbreaking essay “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Originally published in 1988, the essay helps readers recognize white privilege by making its effects personal and tangible. For many, white privilege was an invisible force that white people needed to recognize
It was being able to turn on the television and see people of your race widely represented. It was being able to move through life without being racially profiled or unfairly stereotyped
It became easy for people to interpret McIntosh’s version of white privilege—fairly or not—as mostly a matter of cosmetics and inconvenience.. Those interpretations overshadow the origins of white privilege, as well as its present-day ability to influence systemic decisions
White people own 86% of wealth and make up 60% of the population [16]
According to data from the Federal Reserve, in 1990, white households owned 90.7% of household wealth in the United States, whereas Black households owned 3.8% and Hispanic households owned 2.1%. These numbers have changed little over the past 30 years, with white households now owning 85.5% of wealth in 2019, and Black households owning 4.2% and Hispanic households owning 3.1%
Another way to look at this is the net worth, or assets (such as stocks and real estate) minus liabilities (such as loans and mortgages left to pay), by race. The average net worth per capita among white Americans is roughly $437,000 per person, whereas this value is $105,000 among Black people and $53,000 among Hispanic people.
Older people, having had more time to accumulate income, are more likely to have higher wealth than younger people, even if they may have lower levels of wage income. Americans 55 and older collectively own 72% of wealth in the United States, with Americans 70 and older owning 28% alone.
3 ways that the U.S. population will change over the next decade [17]
newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else.. What does our country look like today, and what will it look like 10 years from now, on Jan
I am a demographer and I have examined population data from the U.S. Census Bureau and from the Population Division of the United Nations.
population today, at the start of 2020, numbers just over 331 million people.. is the third largest country in the world, outnumbered only by the two demographic billionaires, China and India, at just over 1.4 billion and just under 1.4 billion, respectively.
White Deaths Exceed Births in a Majority of U.S. States [18]
In 2016, more non-Hispanic whites died than were born in twenty-six states; more than at any time in U.S. Some 179 million residents or roughly 56 percent of the U.S
White deaths also exceeded white births in the nation as a whole for the first time in U.S. history in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics
In seventeen of the twenty-six states with white natural decreases, the white population diminished overall between 2015 and 2016. Our analysis of the demographic factors that cause white natural decrease suggests that more states are likely to experience it in the future.i
The U.S. census sees Middle Eastern and North African people as white. Many don’t [19]
census sees Middle Eastern and North African people as white. that has confounded many people of Middle Eastern or North African descent.
But that racial identity has not matched the discrimination in housing, at work and through other parts of daily life that many say they have faced.. Younger people of MENA descent have “had a plethora of different experiences that made them feel that some of their experiences were actually closer to communities of color in the U.S.,” says Neda Maghbouleh, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Toronto, who has conducted research on the topic.
Meanwhile, a substantial percentage of white people who do not identify as MENA or Latino do not perceive MENA people as white either, the study also suggests.. The findings match the lived realities of many people of MENA descent
What America Would Be Like Without Blacks [20]
“What America Would Be Like Without Blacks.” Time, April 06, 1970.,33009,943970,00.html .
While we are aware that there is something inescapably tragic about the cost of achieving our democratic ideals, we keep such tragic awareness segregated to the rear of our minds. We allow it to come to the fore only during moments of great national crisis.
It is more like a primitive reflex, a throwback to the dim past of tribal experience, which we rationalize and try to make respectable by dressing it up in the gaudy and highly questionable trappings of what we call the “concept of race.” Yet despite its absurdity, the fantasy of a blackless America continues to turn up. It is a fantasy born not merely of racism but of petulance, exasperation, of moral fatigue
Poll reveals white Americans see an increase in discrimination against other white people and less against other racial groups [21]
Despite largely holding the political, economic and social levers of power, nearly a third of white Americans say they have seen “a lot more” discrimination against white people in the past five years – and more than half of them say they have not seen a rise in discrimination against Black and Latino Americans.. A May 2022 University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll further found that a majority of white Americans do not believe that there has been a rise in discrimination against minority groups.
That many white Americans, the dominant racial group in U.S. society, see more discrimination against other white people than those who have historically endured this treatment is troubling.
The poll was conducted between May 6 and May 16, 2022, by polling firm Nielsen Scarborough from a nationally representative sample of 2,091 respondents, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.14.. The poll asked questions on how much more discrimination exists now than in the past against different minority groups, and whether different minority groups weaken or strengthen American society.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [22]
The 2022 edition of the International Day focuses on the theme “VOICES FOR ACTION AGAINST RACISM”. This edition aims, in particular, at: highlighting the importance of strengthening meaningful and safe public participation and representation in all areas of decision-making to prevent and combat racial discrimination; reaffirming the importance of full respect for the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and of protecting civic space; and recognizing the contribution of individuals and organizations that stand up against racial discrimination and the challenges they face.
It lends itself towards telling personal interest stories and can feature people and populations from across the world.. This theme draws also inspiration on the High Commissioner’s report on racial justice and the Agenda Towards Transformative Change for Racial Justice and Equality: “LISTEN UP: Ensure that people of African descent and those who stand up against racism are protected and heard, and their concerns are acted on”.
In 1979, the General Assembly adopted a programme of activities to be undertaken during the second half of the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. On that occasion, the General Assembly decided that a week of solidarity with the peoples struggling against racism and racial discrimination, beginning on 21 March, would be organized annually in all States.
The world is not white [23]
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant immigrants established the United States on land already long occupied by nonwhites. For many irrepressible reasons, the white population dominated and asserted its culture
nonwhite population under the thumb of the whites are referred to as “minorities” — which they are, since there are about 205.5 million whites out of a total U.S. We have been, and still are, a basically white-run nation — a fact that many contort into a sense of white superiority, with its extreme expressed in racist “white supremacy” movements.
That’s about 1.19 billion people out of a total world population of 7.4 billion. And it’s predicted that by 2060 only 10 percent of the world will be white
Heartbreaking Moment When Kids Learn About White Privilege | The School That Tried to End Racism
Heartbreaking Moment When Kids Learn About White Privilege | The School That Tried to End Racism
Heartbreaking Moment When Kids Learn About White Privilege | The School That Tried to End Racism
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